I\'m trying to figure out how to get the current space # from mission control. Source would be helpful, but more helpful would be info on how to figure this out myself. I\
I'm trying to figure this out myself. Not there yet, but in the right direction:
assigned to it...You can read them here:
$ defaults read com.apple.spaces
$ defaults read com.apple.desktop
File locations:
Here's mine. I have four spaces enabled, and three entries show up:
$ defaults read com.apple.spaces
spaces = (
type = 0;
uuid = "9F552977-3DB0-43E5-8753-E45AC4C61973";
type = 0;
uuid = "44C8072A-7DC9-4E83-94DD-BDEAF333C924";
type = 0;
uuid = "6FADBDFE-4CE8-4FC9-B535-40D7CC3C4C58";
If you delete a space, that entry will get removed from the file. If you add a space, an entry will be added. Again, there's never an entry for Desktop 1 or Dashboard.
I'm not sure if there's a public API to figure out what space uuid
is being displayed on a display. I'd assume that no uuid
means Display 1, and the others' mean Display 1+n.
I took a quick glance through the AppleScript Editor Library (Window ---> Library) and didn't see any entries under System Events for spaces
. This is probably something that can be done with Cocoa, perhaps via private API, but I'm not sure about AppleScript.
UPDATE - July 23, 2011
It looks like Dock controls Mission Control. You can grab its header files like so:
binary to your desktop.$class-dump ~/Desktop/Dock
That'll spit out all of its header files (it's long; almost 7,500 lines). You can see the spaceUUID
strings appearing in there. There's a class called WVSpace
which appears to represent a single Space in Mission Control, and a lot of other WV* classes.
I'll keep looking at it tomorrow; too tired now. :)
UPDATE - July 24, 2011
Inside Dock there's a class called WVSpaces
. It has a number of attributes including:
WVSpace *currentSpace;
unsigned int currentWorkspace;
WVSpace *nextSpace; // Space on the right???
WVSpace *previousSpace; // Space on the left???
BOOL currentSpaceIsDashboard;
BOOL dashboardIsCurrent;
...lots more...
Each WVSpace
class has an NSString *_uuid;
attribute, which is likely its SpaceUUID. So theoretically you can get the current space number like so:
WVSpace *currentSpace = [[WVSpaces sharedInstance] currentSpace];
NSString *currentSpaceUUID = [currentSpace _uuid]; // Empty string if main space???
The trick is, how to get access to the private WVSpaces
class buried inside of Dock? I'm assuming it's Singleton as it has an NSMutableArray *_spaces;
attribute, probably with every space listed in it. Only one space gets displayed at a time (this holds true if you're using multiple monitors; the space spans across both of them), so it makes sense to only have one WVSpaces
So it looks like it'll require some SIMBL hacking of Dock to gain access to WVSpaces
... also been working on this :)
You say that you "need to to detect the current space #". This is not strictly true: To move down one row, you just move 3 spaces right, so in principle you could just bind something like
tell application "System Events" to tell process "WindowServer"
key code {124, 124, 124} using control down
end tell
to Alt-down (with FastScripts, Alfred or some other fast method that avoids the overhead of Automator). This approach will fail if you ever hit down in the bottom row, of course -- but if you are truly hard-wired, you never do :)
You have to "Enable access for assistive devices" in the Universal Access preference pane for the key code
approach to work.
Caveat: This doesn't work. When I launch the script above, I nicely jump three spaces. The problem is that afterwards my keyboard goes unresponsive: It seems that only the window manager is receiving events: I can close windows and switch space, but I cannot interact with any applications.
My theory is that this happens when the jump causes the current application to change during the execution of the script -- but I have no idea how to fix this.
A related observation: The Mission Control
(i.e. /Applications/Mission Control.app/Contents/MacOS/Mission\ Control
) seems to react to some command line arguments:
Mission\ Control
: show mission controlMission\ Control 1
: show desktopMission\ Control 2
: show current application windowsI tried putting in some of the UUID's from defaults read com.apple.spaces
, but that didn't do much. So much for fumbling in the dark.
I'm on Mountain Lion and this seems to work for me.
defaults read com.apple.spaces
Look for "Current Space". You'll notice that running this command with different active spaces doesn't change the current space BUT if you check and uncheck a checkbox button in "System Preferences" and run it again, you'll see it updated.
Hopefully this helps someone else!
EDIT: It's ugly, but I'm using this:
killall Dock && sleep 0.2 && defaults read com.apple.spaces | grep -A1 "Current Space" | tail -1 | awk '{print $NF }' | cut -f1 -d';'
I've been poking around, and I came up with this: https://gist.github.com/1129406
Spaces have a nonsequential ID and a sequential index (0-based). You can get the ID in two ways:
You can set the current space by index using public APIs (though the notifications themselves are not publicly documented): see set_space_by_index
You can set the current space by ID using private the CGS API CGSSetWorkspace
You cannot get the current space index directly. However, if you're always using the same set of nine spaces, you can rotate through them once using set_space_by_index
, collect their IDs, and build a mapping. Then you will be able to get the current index from the ID.
I wrote an app - does it work for you?
Change Space.app
The keys to make it work are control-shift and the arrow keys, although this may be fixable if you are stuck on ALT.
Make sure you have 9 spaces (desktops) set up before you start, and you'll need to change the default ctrl-up and ctrl-down key bindings in System Preferences to something else (in Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Mission Control : Mission Control and Show Desktop).
On the first run it it will cycle through your desktops to enumerate them when you first change space.
Then you should be able to change between desktops like in a 3x3 grid.
There may be a few wrinkles, but it's basically functional, at least for me.
This works, is free (right now) and is awesome.
Just be sure to manually create as many spaces as your layout (in preferences) is expecting.