I am trying to distinguish the different use of the keydown
, keypress
, keyup
, input
, change
event in JavaScr
You have it mostly right, here is a detailed look at the events and potential input cases.
This is when the different event are triggered:
This will be called when the blur
event is triggered if the value of the <input>
has been changed. In other words it will trigger when the input loses focus and the value is different to what it was.
The input
event is basically everything you are looking for, it captures the event on any input change and most likely came about due to the headaches causes when developing something that watches every keystroke. The input event even manages to catch the case where the mouse pastes in content.
Unfortunately the input event is relatively new and only available to modern browsers (IE9+).
The keydown
event is pretty simple, it triggers when the user pushes the key down.
The keypress
event is supposed to represent a character being typed. Because of this, it does not capture backspace or delete which immediately dismisses it for use over keydown
Much like keydown
, it triggers whenever the user releases a key.
This handy event triggers when data is pasted into the element.
Note that keydown
, keypress
and keyup
carry with them information about the modifier keys Ctrl, Shift and Alt in the properties ctrlKey
, shiftKey
and altKey
Here is a list of the cases you need to consider:
Entering input with keyboard (includes holding down a key)
Triggers: keydown
, keypress
, input
, keyup
Deleting input (Backspace/Delete)
Triggers: keydown
, input
, keyup
Pasting using Ctrl+V
Triggers: keydown
, paste
, input
, keyup
Using mouse to paste
Triggers: paste
, input
Select an item from the autocomplete (↑/↓)
Triggers: keydown
, keyup
Given the above, you could implement your autocomplete box handling the input
event for all changes to the input, and then keydown
event to handling up and down. This would really separate everything nicely and lead to some pretty clean code.
If you want to support IE8, you will need to throw everything except pasting into the keydown
event and then handle paste
. The paste
event is quite widely supported now and has been in IE since v5.5).
Here is the jsFiddle I used to test the events, you might find it useful. It shows a bit more information about each event:
function logEvent(e) {
console.log(e.type +
"\n this.value = '" + this.value + "'" +
(e.keyCode ? "\n e.keyCode = '" + e.keyCode + "'" : "") +
(e.keyCode ? "\n char = '" + String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode) + "'" : ""));