Is there a way to define a column (primary key) as a UUID in SQLAlchemy if using PostgreSQL (Postgres)?
In case anyone is interested, I've been using Tom Willis answer, but found useful to add a string to uuid.UUID conversion in the process_bind_param method
class UUID(types.TypeDecorator):
impl = types.LargeBinary
def __init__(self):
self.impl.length = 16
types.TypeDecorator.__init__(self, length=self.impl.length)
def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect=None):
if value and isinstance(value, uuid.UUID):
return value.bytes
elif value and isinstance(value, basestring):
return uuid.UUID(value).bytes
elif value:
raise ValueError('value %s is not a valid uuid.UUId' % value)
return None
def process_result_value(self, value, dialect=None):
if value:
return uuid.UUID(bytes=value)
return None
def is_mutable(self):
return False
I've used the UUIDType
from the SQLAlchemy-Utils