And by best I mean most efficient, right now placing this on my post.php file is the only thing I can think of:
$query = mysql_query(\" UPDATE posts SET view
IMHO best solution is to have views_count stored inside memory (memcached, whatever), and do updates in memory. (Of course updates have to be synchronized)
Then you can use cron script which will push those values to db. (after some time - seconds, minutes, whatever.)
in the database there is only one column ip
with primary key defined and then store ip in database using PHP code below:
Connection file :
$conn = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","");
if (!$conn) {
die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());
echo "Connection failed";
PHP file:
$insert="INSERT INTO `id928751_photography`.`ip` (`ip`)VALUES ('$ip');";
$result = mysqli_query($conn,$insert);
show count :
$select="SELECT COUNT(ip) as count from ip;";
$run= mysqli_query($conn,$select);
echo $res['count'];
using this method in the database store all server ip
NOTE: only server ip can store or count not device ip
If memcache is an option in your server environment, here's another cool way to sample, but also keep up with the precise number (unlike my other answer):
function recordPostPageView($page_id) {
$memcache = new Memcached(); // you could also pull this instance from somewhere else, if you want a bit more efficiency*
$key = "Counter for Post {$page_id}";
if(!$memcache->get($key)) {
$memcache->set($key, 0);
$new_count = $memcache->increment($key);
// you could uncomment the following if you still want to notify mysql of the value occasionally
$notify_mysql_interval = 100;
if($new_count % $notify_mysql_interval == 0) {
$query = mysql_query("UPDATE posts SET views = {$new_count} WHERE id = '{$page_id}' ");
// execute query, etc
return $new_count;
You can also check these lines of code. I think it will be helpful because you can achieve your goal with just a text file. It does not require any database activity.
$counter_name = "counter.txt";
// Check if a text file exists. If not create one and initialize it to zero.
if (!file_exists($counter_name)) {
$f = fopen($counter_name, "w");
// Read the current value of our counter file
$f = fopen($counter_name,"r");
$counterVal = fread($f, filesize($counter_name));
// Has visitor been counted in this session?
// If not, increase counter value by one
$f = fopen($counter_name, "w");
fwrite($f, $counterVal);
echo "You are visitor number $counterVal to this site";
You could keep a counter-array in cache (like APC or Memcache) and increase the counter for certain posts in that. Then store the updates once a while. You might loose some views if a cache-reset occures
Other solution would be to keep a separate table for visits only (Field: postid, visits). That is the fasters you can get from mysql. Try to use InnoDB engine, since it provides row-level-locking!
If you're interested in conserving resources and still using SQL for reporting, and precise # doesn't matter, you could try sampling like this (modify sample rate to suit your scale):
$sample_rate = 100;
if(mt_rand(1,$sample_rate) == 1) {
$query = mysql_query(" UPDATE posts SET views = views + {$sample_rate} WHERE id = '{$id}' ");
// execute query, etc