How do I test a file upload in rails?

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轻奢々 2020-12-07 09:29

I have a controller which is responsible for accepting JSON files and then processing the JSON files to do some user maintenance for our application. In user testing the fil

  • 2020-12-07 09:59

    I think it's better to use the new ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile this way:

    uploaded_file ={
        :tempfile =>"test/fixtures/files/test.jpg"))
    assert model.valid?

    This way you can use the same methods you are using in your validations (as for example tempfile).

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  • 2020-12-07 10:04

    If you are using default rails test with factory girl. Fine below code.

    factory :image_100_100 do
        image, "/test/images", "100_100.jpg"))

    Note: you will have to keep an dummy image in /test/images/100_100.jpg.

    It works perfectly.


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  • 2020-12-07 10:07

    if you are getting the file in your controller with the following

    json_file = params[:json_file], File.expand_path('.')+'/tmp/newfile.json')

    then try the following in your specs:

    json_file = mock('JsonFile')
    post 'import', :json_file => json_file
    response.should be_success

    This will make the fake method to 'tempfile' method, which will return the path to the loaded file.

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  • 2020-12-07 10:14

    From The Rspec Book, B13.0:

    Rails’ provides an ActionController::TestUploadedFile class which can be used to represent an uploaded file in the params hash of a controller spec, like this:

    describe UsersController, "POST create" do
      after do
        # if files are stored on the file system
        # be sure to clean them up
      it "should be able to upload a user's avatar image" do
        image = fixture_path + "/test_avatar.png"
        file = image, "image/png"
        post :create, :user => { :avatar => file }
        User.last.avatar.original_filename.should == "test_avatar.png"

    This spec would require that you have a test_avatar.png image in the spec/fixtures directory. It would take that file, upload it to the controller, and the controller would create and save a real User model.

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  • 2020-12-07 10:16

    Searched for this question and could not find it, or its answer on Stack Overflow, but found it elsewhere, so I'm asking to make it available on SO.

    The rails framework has a function fixture_file_upload (Rails 2 Rails 3, Rails 5), which will search your fixtures directory for the file specified and will make it available as a test file for the controller in functional testing. To use it:

    1) Put your file to be uploaded in the test in your fixtures/files subdirectory for testing.

    2) In your unit test you can get your testing file by calling fixture_file_upload('path','mime-type').


    bulk_json = fixture_file_upload('files/bulk_bookmark.json','application/json')

    3) call the post method to hit the controller action you want, passing the object returned by fixture_file_upload as the parameter for the upload.


    post :bookmark, :bulkfile => bulk_json

    Or in Rails 5: post :bookmark, params: {bulkfile: bulk_json}

    This will run through the simulated post process using a Tempfile copy of the file in your fixtures directory and then return to your unit test so you can start examining the results of the post.

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  • 2020-12-07 10:20

    Mori's answer is correct, except that in Rails 3 instead of "" you have to use "".

    The file object that is created can then be used as a parameter value in Rspec or TestUnit tests.

    test "image upload" do
      test_image = path-to-fixtures-image + "/Test.jpg"
      file =, "image/jpeg")
      post "/create", :user => { :avatar => file }
      # assert desired results
      post "/create", :user => { :avatar => file }     
      assert_response 201
      assert_response :success
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