We\'re looking into transport/protocol solutions and were about to do various performance tests, so I thought I\'d check with the community if they\'ve already done this:
One of the things near the top of my "to-do" list for PBs is to port Google's internal Protocol Buffer performance benchmark - it's mostly a case of taking confidential message formats and turning them into entirely bland ones, and then doing the same for the data.
When that's been done, I'd imagine you could build the same messages in Thrift and then compare the performance.
In other words, I don't have the data for you yet - but hopefully in the next couple of weeks...
I have done a study for spring-boot, mappers (manual, Dozer and MapStruct), Thrift, REST, SOAP and Protocol Buffers integration for my job.
The server side: https://github.com/vlachenal/webservices-bench
The client side: https://github.com/vlachenal/webservices-bench-client
It is not finished and has been run on my personal computers (I have to ask for servers to complete the tests) ... but results can be consulted on:
As conclusion :
Projects can be completed through pull requests (either for fixes or other results).