What ways are there to find npm packages?
Below is community maintained listing compiled from the answers below.
Here's another one: https://npmaddict.com/
Not a search but daily list of New packages with at least 5 GitHub stars
There's nipster too, based on npm + github rating.
npmsearch sorts the results by a combination of relevance and downloads. The command line version can be installed from npm:
[sudo] npm install -g npmsearch
disclamer: I am the author of npmsearch
node-modules allows you to personalize your results according to the modules that you have starred/followed on github
I personally use npmsearch.com
I'm not sure how it works internally but it usually gives the best results.
https://github.com/Enome/node-package-finder (Latest commit 26ff789 on 4 May 2012, should count as dead)
Just in case anyone comes across this question, I also created a tool to help people discover what npm packages other people are using: