I would like to remove/delete a migration file. How would I go about doing that? I know there are similar questions on here but as an update, is there a better way than doin
Another way to delete the migration:
$ rails d migration SameMigrationNameAsUsedToGenerate
Use it before rake db:migrate
is executed because changes in database will stay forever :) - or remove changes in Database manually
Run below commands from app's home directory:
rake db:migrate:down VERSION="20140311142212"
(here version is the timestamp prepended by rails when migration was created. This action will revert DB changes due to this migration)
Run "rails destroy migration migration_name"
(migration_name is the one use chose while creating migration. Remove "timestamp_" from your migration file name to get it)
You can also run a down migration like so:
rake db:migrate:down VERSION=versionnumber
Refer to the Ruby on Rails guide on migrations for more info.
This also works in Rails 5.
If the migration was the most recent one you can remove the database column(s) that the migration added by doing:
rake db:rollback
then remove the migration file itself by running:
rails d migration WhateverYourMigrationWasNamed.rb
None of these answers quite fit the problem i had as the migration i wanted to delete was missing:
I had created and run a migration in some other branch, which was then discarded. The problem is when a migration is run, rails adds the version into a schema_migrations
table in the database. So even if it isn't listed in your db structure or schema, rails looks for it.
You can reveal these orphaned migrations by running:
rails db:migrate:status
Note the versions of the missing migrations and head into the db console:
rails dbconsole
Now remove the versions from the migration table manually:
delete from schema_migrations where version='<version>';
You should now be good.