How can I use the Windows command line to change the extensions of thousands of files to *****.jpg
I know this is so old, but i've landed on it , and the provided answers didn't works for me on powershell so after searching found this solution
to do it in powershell
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Demo -Filter *.txt | Rename-Item -NewName {[System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($_.Name, ".old")}
credit goes to
In my case I had a directory with 800+ files ending with .StoredProcedure.sql
(they were scripted with SSMS).
The solutions posted above didn't work. But I came up with this:
(Based on answers to batch programming - get relative path of file)
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%f in (*) do (
set B=%%f
set B=!B:%CD%\=!
ren "!B!" "!B:.StoredProcedure=!"
The above script removes the substring .StoredProcedure
from the filename. I'm sure it can be adapted to cover more cases, ask for input and be overall more generic.
Rename multiple file extensions:
You want to change ringtone1.mp3
, ringtone2.mp3
to ringtone1.wav
, ringtone2.wav
Here is how to do that: I am in d drive on command prompt (CMD) so I use:
d:\>ren *.* *.wav
This is just an example of file extensions, you can use any type of file extension like WAV, MP3, JPG, GIF, bmp, PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT this depends on what your operating system.
And, since you have thousands of files, make sure to wait until the cursor starts blinking again indicating that it's done working.
on CMD
ren *.* *.jpg
. will select all files, and rename to * (what ever name they have) plus extension to jpg
An alternative way to rename files using the renamer npm package.
below is an example of renaming files extensions
renamer -d --path-element ext --find ts --replace js *