By default Android Studio automatically adds a header comment to all new classes, e.g.
* Created by Dan on 11/20/13.
Where is the
As well as Dan's answer (which is the much more rigorous way), you can also click into the header, and option-enter (on Mac), and you can choose to edit the default file template. Alternatively, click the little lightbulb to get here as well
You can overwrite the ${USER} variable in the template file with the #set( $VARIABLE = "value") function.
On windows: Press Ctrl+Alt+S and go to Settings -> File and Code Templates -> Includes -> File Header
On Mac: Android Studio -> Preferences -> Editor ->
File and Code Templates -> Includes -> File Header
prepend the #set() function call, for example:
#set( $USER = "YourName" )
* Created by ${USER} on ${DATE}.