By \"generate\", I mean auto-generation of the code necessary for a particular selected (set of) variable(s).
But any more explicit explication or comment on good pr
Visual Studio also has a feature that will generate a Property from a private variable.
If you right-click on a variable, in the context menu that pops up, click on the "Refactor" item, and then choose Encapsulate Field.... This will create a getter/setter property for a variable.
I'm not too big a fan of this technique as it is a little bit awkward to use if you have to create a lot of getters/setters, and it puts the property directly below the private field, which bugs me, because I usually have all of my private fields grouped together, and this Visual Studio feature breaks my class' formatting.
In addition to the 'prop' snippet and auto-properties, there is a refactor option to let you select an existing field and expose it via a property (right click on the field → Refactor → Encapsulate Field...).
Also, if you don't like the 'prop' implementation, you can create your own snippets. Additionally, a third-party refactoring tool like ReSharper will give you even more features and make it easier to create more advanced snippets. I'd recommend ReSharper if you can afford it.
Video demonstrating the use of snippet 'prop' (among other things), at 3 min 23 secs.
On behalf of the Visual Studio tool, we can easily generate C# properties using an online tool called C# property generator.
If you are using Visual Studio 2005 and up, you can create a setter/getter real fast using the insert snippet command.
Right click on your code, click on Insert Snippet (Ctrl+K,X), and then choose "prop" from the list.