By \"generate\", I mean auto-generation of the code necessary for a particular selected (set of) variable(s).
But any more explicit explication or comment on good pr
In visual studio 2019, select your properties like this:
Then press Ctrl+r
Then press Ctrl+e
A dialog will appear showing you the preview of the changes that are going to be done to your code. If everything looks good (which it mostly will), press OK
I don't have Visual Studio installed on my machine anymore (and I'm using Linux), but I do remember that there was an wizard hidden somewhere inside one of the menus that gave access to a class builder.
With this wizard, you could define all your classes' details, including methods and attributes. If I remember well, there was an option through which you could ask Visual Studio to create the setters and getters automatically for you.
I know it's quite vague, but check it out and you might find it.
Use the propfull
It will generate a property and a variable.
Type keyword propfull
in the editor, followed by two TABs. It will generate code like:
private data_type var_name;
public data_type var_name1{ get;set;}
Video demonstrating the use of snippet 'propfull' (among other things), at 4 min 11 secs.
By generate, do you mean auto-generate? If that's not what you mean:
Visual Studio 2008 has the easiest implementation for this:
public PropertyType PropertyName { get; set; }
In the background this creates an implied instance variable to which your property is stored and retrieved.
However if you want to put in more logic in your Properties, you will have to have an instance variable for it:
private PropertyType _property;
public PropertyType PropertyName
//logic here
return _property;
//logic here
_property = value;
Previous versions of Visual Studio always used this longhand method as well.
You can also use "propfull" and hit TAB twice.
The variable and property with get and set will be generated.
First get Extension just press (Ctrl + Shift + X) and install getter setter ....
After this, just select your variable and right click. Go to Command palette...
And type getter ... It will suggest generate get and set methods. Click on this...