Anyone know the keyboard shortcut to copy/paste a line into a new line in Eclipse
, without having to highlight the entire line?
The combination of Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Down worked for me on Linux.
I have to change the assigned key, e.g.
Windows/Preference --> General --> Keys
Select "Duplicate Lines" under command Click on "Binding" Ctrl + Shift + D
For personal usage, I add a vim plugin like Vrapper to Eclipse and just use yy
to copy entire line.
You have to turn off the graphics hot keys that flip the screen. If you're on Windows, you need to right click on the Windows desktop and select "Graphics Properties..." (or something similar depending on your version of Windows). This will bring up a screen where you can manage graphics and display options, look for a place where you can disable hot keys, sometimes it's hidden under something like "Options and Support". Turn off the CTRL + ALT + ↑ and CTRL + ALT + ↓ hotkeys (alternatively you can just disable all graphics hot keys if you're not using them).
For mac, shift+alt+down_arrow works in netbeans' editor.
We can assign any command to any action(given) in Eclipse From Menu Bar go to Window > Preferences then search for the keys then search copy line then click on copy line and then click on command in Binding and peform a command which you wish to use for duplicating line i use ctrl+shift+d you can choose whatever you want