Is there any bash command that will let you get the nth line of STDOUT?
That is to say, something that would take this
$ ls -l
-rw-r--r--@ 1 root wh
Using sed
, just for variety:
ls -l | sed -n 2p
Using this alternative, which looks more efficient since it stops reading the input when the required line is printed, may generate a SIGPIPE in the feeding process, which may in turn generate an unwanted error message:
ls -l | sed -n -e '2{p;q}'
I've seen that often enough that I usually use the first (which is easier to type, anyway), though ls
is not a command that complains when it gets SIGPIPE.
For a range of lines:
ls -l | sed -n 2,4p
For several ranges of lines:
ls -l | sed -n -e 2,4p -e 20,30p
ls -l | sed -n -e '2,4p;20,30p'
Another poster suggested
ls -l | head -2 | tail -1
but if you pipe head into tail, it looks like everything up to line N is processed twice.
Piping tail into head
ls -l | tail -n +2 | head -n1
would be more efficient?
ls -l | head -2 | tail -1
Is Perl easily available to you?
$ perl -n -e 'if ($. == 7) { print; exit(0); }'
Obviously substitute whatever number you want for 7.
Alternative to the nice head / tail way:
ls -al | awk 'NR==2'
ls -al | sed -n '2p'
sed did not work in my case. I propose:
for "odd" lines 1,3,5,7... ls |awk '0 == (NR+1) % 2'
for "even" lines 2,4,6,8 ls |awk '0 == (NR) % 2'