I am trying to download the files for a project using wget
, as the SVN server for that project isn\'t running anymore and I am only able to access the files thr
You can use this in a shell:
wget -r -nH --cut-dirs=7 --reject="index.html*" \
The Parameters are:
-r recursively download
-nH (--no-host-directories) cuts out hostname
--cut-dirs=X (cuts out X directories)
This link just gave me the best answer:
$ wget --no-clobber --convert-links --random-wait -r -p --level 1 -E -e robots=off -U mozilla http://base.site/dir/
Worked like a charm.
use the command
wget -m www.ilanni.com/nexus/content/
wget -r --no-parent URL --user=username --password=password
the last two options are optional if you have the username and password for downloading, otherwise no need to use them.
You can also see more options in the link https://www.howtogeek.com/281663/how-to-use-wget-the-ultimate-command-line-downloading-tool/
you can also use this command :
wget --mirror -pc --convert-links -P ./your-local-dir/ http://www.your-website.com
so that you get the exact mirror of the website you want to download
This will help
wget -m -np -c --level 0 --no-check-certificate -R"index.html*"http://www.your-websitepage.com/dir