I have a friend who likes to use metaclasses, and regularly offers them as a solution.
I am of the mind that you almost never need to use metaclasses. Why? because I
Metaclasses can be handy for construction of Domain Specific Languages in Python. Concrete examples are Django, SQLObject 's declarative syntax of database schemata.
A basic example from A Conservative Metaclass by Ian Bicking:
The metaclasses I've used have been primarily to support a sort of declarative style of programming. For instance, consider a validation schema:
class Registration(schema.Schema):
first_name = validators.String(notEmpty=True)
last_name = validators.String(notEmpty=True)
mi = validators.MaxLength(1)
class Numbers(foreach.ForEach):
class Number(schema.Schema):
type = validators.OneOf(['home', 'work'])
phone_number = validators.PhoneNumber()
Some other techniques: Ingredients for Building a DSL in Python (pdf).
Edit (by Ali): An example of doing this using collections and instances is what I would prefer. The important fact is the instances, which give you more power, and eliminate reason to use metaclasses. Further worth noting that your example uses a mixture of classes and instances, which is surely an indication that you can't just do it all with metaclasses. And creates a truly non-uniform way of doing it.
number_validator = [
v.OneOf('type', ['home', 'work']),
validators = [
v.String('first_name', notEmpty=True),
v.String('last_name', notEmpty=True),
v.MaxLength('mi', 1),
It's not perfect, but already there is almost zero magic, no need for metaclasses, and improved uniformity.
the answer from @Dan Gittik is cool
the examples at the end could clarify many things,I changed it to python 3 and give some explanation:
class MetaMetaclass(type):
def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs):
def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs):
cls = type.__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs)
cls._label = 'Made in %s' % meta.__name__
return cls
attrs['__new__'] = __new__
return type.__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs)
#China is metaclass and it's __new__ method would be changed by MetaMetaclass(metaclass)
class China(MetaMetaclass, metaclass=MetaMetaclass):
__metaclass__ = MetaMetaclass
#Taiwan is metaclass and it's __new__ method would be changed by MetaMetaclass(metaclass)
class Taiwan(MetaMetaclass, metaclass=MetaMetaclass):
__metaclass__ = MetaMetaclass
#A is a normal class and it's __new__ method would be changed by China(metaclass)
class A(metaclass=China):
__metaclass__ = China
#B is a normal class and it's __new__ method would be changed by Taiwan(metaclass)
class B(metaclass=Taiwan):
__metaclass__ = Taiwan
print(A._label) # Made in China
print(B._label) # Made in Taiwan
I have a class that handles non-interactive plotting, as a frontend to Matplotlib. However, on occasion one wants to do interactive plotting. With only a couple functions I found that I was able to increment the figure count, call draw manually, etc, but I needed to do these before and after every plotting call. So to create both an interactive plotting wrapper and an offscreen plotting wrapper, I found it was more efficient to do this via metaclasses, wrapping the appropriate methods, than to do something like:
class PlottingInteractive:
add_slice = wrap_pylab_newplot(add_slice)
This method doesn't keep up with API changes and so on, but one that iterates over the class attributes in __init__
before re-setting the class attributes is more efficient and keeps things up to date:
class _Interactify(type):
def __init__(cls, name, bases, d):
super(_Interactify, cls).__init__(name, bases, d)
for base in bases:
for attrname in dir(base):
if attrname in d: continue # If overridden, don't reset
attr = getattr(cls, attrname)
if type(attr) == types.MethodType:
if attrname.startswith("add_"):
setattr(cls, attrname, wrap_pylab_newplot(attr))
elif attrname.startswith("set_"):
setattr(cls, attrname, wrap_pylab_show(attr))
Of course, there might be better ways to do this, but I've found this to be effective. Of course, this could also be done in __new__
or __init__
, but this was the solution I found the most straightforward.
The only time I used metaclasses in Python was when writing a wrapper for the Flickr API.
My goal was to scrape flickr's api site and dynamically generate a complete class hierarchy to allow API access using Python objects:
# Both the photo type and the flickr.photos.search API method
# are generated at "run-time"
for photo in flickr.photos.search(text=balloons):
print photo.description
So in that example, because I generated the entire Python Flickr API from the website, I really don't know the class definitions at runtime. Being able to dynamically generate types was very useful.
A reasonable pattern of metaclass use is doing something once when a class is defined rather than repeatedly whenever the same class is instantiated.
When multiple classes share the same special behaviour, repeating __metaclass__=X
is obviously better than repeating the special purpose code and/or introducing ad-hoc shared superclasses.
But even with only one special class and no foreseeable extension, __new__
and __init__
of a metaclass are a cleaner way to initialize class variables or other global data than intermixing special-purpose code and normal def
and class
statements in the class definition body.
I recently had to use a metaclass to help declaratively define an SQLAlchemy model around a database table populated with U.S. Census data from http://census.ire.org/data/bulkdata.html
IRE provides database shells for the census data tables, which create integer columns following a naming convention from the Census Bureau of p012015, p012016, p012017, etc.
I wanted to a) be able to access these columns using a model_instance.p012017
syntax, b) be fairly explicit about what I was doing and c) not have to explicitly define dozens of fields on the model, so I subclassed SQLAlchemy's DeclarativeMeta
to iterate through a range of the columns and automatically create model fields corresponding to the columns:
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api import DeclarativeMeta
class CensusTableMeta(DeclarativeMeta):
def __init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_):
table = 'p012'
for i in range(1, 49):
fname = "%s%03d" % (table, i)
dict_[fname] = Column(Integer)
setattr(cls, fname, dict_[fname])
super(CensusTableMeta, cls).__init__(classname, bases, dict_)
I could then use this metaclass for my model definition and access the automatically enumerated fields on the model:
CensusTableBase = declarative_base(metaclass=CensusTableMeta)
class P12Tract(CensusTableBase):
__tablename__ = 'ire_p12'
geoid = Column(String(12), primary_key=True)
def male_under_5(self):
return self.p012003