None of the open sourced .NET rules-engine have support for storing rules in the database. The only ones that stored the rules in a database are commercial. I've created some UIs for custom rule engines that run off the database, but this can be non-trivial to implement. That's usually the main reason you won't see that feature for free.
As far as I know, none of them will meet all of your criteria, but here is a list of the ones I know of:
Simplest one is SRE
One with rule management UI is NxBRE
Drools.NET uses JBOSS rules
I personally haven't used any of them, because all of the projects I worked with never wanted to use something built in-house. Most business think that this is pretty easy to do, but end up wasting too much time coding and implementing it. This is one of those areas that the Not Invented Here Syndrome (NIH) rules.