How can I diff a file, say pom.xml
, from the master branch to an arbitrary older version in Git?
git diff master~20 -- pom.xml
Works if you are not in master branch too.
For comparing to 5 commit to the current one, both on master
, just simply do:
git diff master~5:pom.xml master:pom.xml
Also you can refer to commit hash number, for example if the hash number is x110bd64
, you can do something like this to see the difference:
git diff x110bd64 pom.xml
git diff -w HEAD origin/master path/to/file
If you are looking for the diff on a specific commit and you want to use the github UI instead of the command line (say you want to link it to other folks), you can do:<org>/<repo>/commit/<commit-sha>/<path-to-file>
For example:
Note the Previous and Next links at the top right that allow you to navigate through all the files in the commit.
This only works for a specific commit though, not for comparing between any two arbitrary versions.
If you need to diff on a single file in a stash for example you can do
git diff stash@{0} -- path/to/file
You can do:
git diff master~20:pom.xml pom.xml
... to compare your current pom.xml
to the one from master
20 revisions ago through the first parent. You can replace master~20
, of course, with the object name (SHA1sum) of a commit or any of the many other ways of specifying a revision.
Note that this is actually comparing the old pom.xml
to the version in your working tree, not the version committed in master
. If you want that, then you can do the following instead:
git diff master~20:pom.xml master:pom.xml