To handle TCP connections, there are two competing web architectures, namely thread-based architecture and event-driven architecture.
Thread-Based Architecture
The oldest way of implementing a multi-threaded server is following the “thread per connection” approach. In order to control and limit the number of running threads, a single dispatcher thread can be used along with a bounded blocking queue and a thread pool.
The dispatcher blocks on a TCP socket for new connections and offers them to the bounded blocking queue. TCP connections exceeding the bound of the queue will be dropped allowing the accepted connections to operate with a desirable and predictable latency.
Event-Driven Architecture
Separating threads from connections, event-driven architecture only allows threads to be used for events on specific handlers.
This creative concept allows Reactor Pattern to come out of the shelf and show off. A system built on this architecture consists of event creators and event consumers.
The Reactor Pattern
The reactor pattern is the most popular implementation technique of event-driven architecture for TCP connection handling. In simple terms, it uses a single-threaded event loop, blocking on events and dispatches those events to corresponding handlers.
There is no need for other threads to block on I/O, as long as handlers for events are registered to take care of them. Considering a TCP connection, we can easily refer events to these instances: connected, input-ready, output-ready, timeout, and disconnected.
Reactor pattern decouples the modular application-level code from reusable reactor implementation. To achieve that, the architecture of the reactor pattern consists of two important participants — Reactor and Handlers.
A Reactor runs in a separate thread, and it is reacting to the I/O events such as connected, input-ready, output-ready, timeout and disconnected, by dispatching the work to the appropriate registered handler.
A Handler performs the actual work or the response that needs to be done with an I/O event. A Reactor responds to I/O events by dispatching the appropriate handler.
“Pattern Languages of Program Design” by Jim Coplien and Douglas C. Schmidt which was published way back in 1995, is one of the books that has explained the Reactor Pattern in detail.