The current function of giving me a dropdown option of which tab to choose is just so annoying. Is there a possibility to remove it so the tabs would work like in some moder
When using Visual Studio Code on Linux/Windows, you can use CTRL + PAGE_UP to switch to the previous tab, and CTRL + PAGE_DN to switch to the next tab. You also have the ability to switch to tabs based on their (non-zero relative) index. You can do so, by pressing and holding ALT , followed by a number (1 through 9).
For more details: check here
@SC_Chupacabra has correct answer for modifying behavior.
I generally prefer CTRL + PAGE UP / DOWN for my navigation, rather than using the TAB key.
"key": "ctrl+pageUp",
"command": "workbench.action.nextEditor"
"key": "ctrl+pageDown",
"command": "workbench.action.previousEditor"
for linux... I use ctrl+pageUp or pageDown
Visual Studio Code v1.35.0 let's you set the (Ctrl+Tab) / (Shift+Ctrl+Tab) key sequences to sequentially switch between editors by binding those keys sequences to the commands "View: Open Next Editor" and "View: Open Previous Editor", respectively.
On macOS:
If you mess up, you can always revert back to the default state for a given binding by right-clicking on any keybinding and selecting "Reset Keybinding".
If you are using the VSCodeVim extension, you can use the Vim key shortcuts:
Next tab: gt
Prior tab: gT
Numbered tab: nnngt
Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Ctrl + Tab
Mac OS
Shift+ Cmd + [
Shift + Cmd + ]