In my application I\'m using a usercontrol
called \"ChannelControls\" which I instance 6 times, on the mainwindow.
public partial class Channel
A UserControl should never have an "own" instance of a view model. Instead, it should have dependency properties that are bound to properties of an "external" view model.
Your ChannelsControl would declare a property like this (where I suppose that string
is not an appropriate type for a count):
public partial class ChannelsControl : UserControl
public static readonly DependencyProperty SpriteCountProperty =
nameof(SpriteCount), typeof(string), typeof(ChannelsControl));
public string SpriteCount
get { return (string)GetValue(SpriteCountProperty); }
set { SetValue(SpriteCountProperty, value); }
In ChannelsControl's XAML, you would bind it like this:
<CMiX:Counter Count="{Binding SpriteCount,
RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=UserControl}}"/>
You would now use your UserControl like shown below, where you bind the Count property to a view model in the DataContext like this:
<local:CMiXData />
<local:ChannelsControl SpriteCount="{Binding SpriteCount[0]}" ... />
You may now also use ChannelsControl in the ItemTemplate of an ItemsControl like this:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding SpriteCount}">
<local:ChannelsControl SpriteCount="{Binding}"/>
EDIT: Set the Window's DataContext to your view model singleton instance like this:
<Window ... DataContext="{x:Static local:CMiXData.Instance}" >
Or in code behind, in the MainWindow constructor:
DataContext = CMiXData.Instance;