I have two point i get it from database and i want to render a line From start point to end point
what I got is the Straight line in two points without consideratio
Use Google Maps Direction API where you will get encoded polyline and you can decode that encoded Polyline using following function
decode(t, e) {
for (
var n,
u = 0,
l = 0,
r = 0,
d = [],
h = 0,
i = 0,
a = null,
c = Math.pow(10, e || 5);
u < t.length;
) {
(a = null), (h = 0), (i = 0);
do (a = t.charCodeAt(u++) - 63), (i |= (31 & a) << h), (h += 5);
while (a >= 32);
(n = 1 & i ? ~(i >> 1) : i >> 1), (h = i = 0);
do (a = t.charCodeAt(u++) - 63), (i |= (31 & a) << h), (h += 5);
while (a >= 32);
(o = 1 & i ? ~(i >> 1) : i >> 1),
(l += n),
(r += o),
d.push([l / c, r / c]);
return (d = d.map(function (t) {
return { latitude: t[0], longitude: t[1] };
This Will return required data for polyline.