I\'ve developed a C program that can calculate the value of a sin function using Taylor series expansion. I\'ve also drawn a flowchart for the program. The source code is g
No the flow charts in both case are wrong because 1) the for loop is in the body of main function and not in the body of fact function. 2) for the fact recursive function the correct flow chat would be here: http://improvec.blogspot.in/2010/12/flow-chart-for-recursive-function-of.html
now,i understand that u know the basic flow chart of for loop connect try again for the main function and connect the two flow charts.
The risk with using a factorial function is that it very quickly goes out of int
range. There is no need to have either a power function or a factorial function, because each term of the Taylor series can be derived from the previous term, by using a multiplication and a division.
The multiplier is self-evident, simply the square of the angle.
The divisor is i * (i - 1)
, the next two terms of the factorial.
You will see I have removed your sign change factor t
, because to change the sign of the previous term from neg to pos, or pos to neg, you just multiply by -1
. But I have even removed that by reversing the sign of (i - 1)
with my use of (1 - i)
The first term of the series is simply rad
so I start with that.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
int n, i; // don't use `l` for a variable name
float deg, rad, radsq, val, term;
printf("Enter degree of sin: ");
if(scanf("%f", °) != 1) {
return 1; // or other error handling
printf("Enter limit of Taylor series: ");
if(scanf("%d", &n) != 1) {
return 1; // or other error handling
rad = deg * 3.14159265f / 180; // proper value for pi
radsq = rad * rad;
term = rad; // first term is rad
val = term; // so is series sum
for(i = 3; i <= n; i += 2) // we've done the first term
term *= radsq / (i * (1 - i)); // see explanation
val += term; // sum the series
printf("\nValue calculated by program, using Taylor Series:\n");
printf("Sin(%f) = %f\n", deg, val);
printf("\nValue calculated using library function:\n");
printf("Sin(%f) = %f\n", deg, sin(rad));
return 0;