I\'m new to Android field . I have followed the procedure of getting Hindi fonts on emulator but still Hindi characters are appearing in square boxes. Please help me how to
Android does not yet fully support Hindi (droid fonts):
Read this link.
This way you can use Hindi font in Android.
Step 1: Add All Hindi text in res --> values --> string.xml file
<string name="app_name">गन्ने से समृद्धि</string>
<string name="ganne_ki_kheti">गन्ने की खेती</string>
<string name="sampark">संपर्क</string>
Step 2: In layout xml file add text tag as android:text="@string/your_text". For Example see below.
android:textStyle="bold" />
Create a folder in assets as "fonts". Place your .ttf file of font in that.
then try the code as :
Typeface fontHindi = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/font.ttf");
It works for me. Hope it works for you too.
First of all download hindi font, d the OTF/TTF file you get, save that in asset folder, eclipse has already the folder, if you are using android studio, then make a new folder in project/app/src/main
Then in java file, suppose you have to apply your font on TextView t1
, use the code..
Typeface mytypeface= Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(),"font-file_name.TTF");
You can download hindi fonts from http://hindi-fonts.com and copy it in /system/font directory of your phone. The font will be installed.
Set The Hindi Font on TextView in Android
TextView t = new TextView(this);
Typeface Hindi = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/mangle.ttf");
t.setText("Naveen Tamrakar");