Good morning!
I\'m new in PHP. i\'m trying to make work this scrpt but is showing me this problem. It\'s a forma that modifies some records in a mysql database. The
Read the mysqli reference and learn from the error given
your error is that mysqli_query expects seconnd parameter to be a string but you are not giving a string variable as the argument.
$query is string and $con is object.
Your solution is to make $muestra to be a string.
$muestra="SELECT * FROM clientes C INNER JOIN producto P ON C.serial = P.serial WHERE P.serial = $_GET[serial]";
$muestra=$con->query("SELECT * FROM clientes C
INNER JOIN producto P ON C.serial = P.serial WHERE P.serial = $_GET[serial]");
// Updated to clean the input
$serial = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_GET[serial]) ;
$qry="SELECT * FROM clientes C
INNER JOIN producto P ON C.serial = P.serial WHERE P.serial = $serial";
$muestra = mysqli_query($con,$qry);