I have already tried setting the EditText default value to be zero but when it comes to editing and erase as \"\" ( empty space , no more wordings _ in the Edit Text field <
Surround the offending lines with a try/catch
try {
Log.d("Month" , monthlyTest);
Log.d("freeMonths" , freeMonths);
monthlyFeeforChannel = Integer.parseInt(monthlyTest);
catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// Alert the user/log the error, etc.
If the input type is set to number you cannot test for "null" so the best solution is to test if length is zero, this way:
if(number.length() == 0) {EditText is empty!!!}
I think, you should have to add this to your edit text
In the aboue code you have used like converting String to Integer in that case you will not convert ""(Empty String) to Integer
Integer.parseInt(monthlyTest); // Here monthyTest value is ""
Please make sure the string is not empty befor conversion.
Check the length of the String is should be greater than 0.
if(monthlyTest == null || monthlyTest.trim().equals("")){
You could also use
if(monthlyTest == null || monthlyTest.trim().isEmpty()){