I have tried a sample with CoreNFC in iOS, but it fails to read the manufacturer\'s UID of the NFC Tag, instead it expects message content from the Tag and reads only that,
Edit: Updates to CoreNFC on iOS 13 mean you can now read most UIDs with compatible iPhones. To do so: see https://stackoverflow.com/a/57993069/3959708
It is possible to read the UID of a tag, but it will not be able to be submitted to the App Store because the API is private.
- (void) readerSession:(nonnull NFCNDEFReaderSession *)session didDetectNDEFs:(nonnull NSArray<NFCNDEFMessage *> *)messages {
NSArray *foundTags = [session valueForKey:@"_foundTags"];
NSObject *tag = foundTags[0];
NSData *uid = [tag valueForKey:@"_tagID"];
This thread has more info: https://github.com/hansemannn/iOS11-NFC-Example/issues/16