Basically I have played with Firebase for the past week, and I recently stumbled upon the \'queryOrderedByChild()\' that as far as I know - allows you to sort data in fireba
If you using order by child you going to order your id
you no going to touch it's value.
Then maybe you have to try something like
You say that you're ordering by a number, but the value of your id
property is stored as a string.
Since you're storing them as a string, they will be returned in lexicographical order.
If you want them to be in numerical order, you should store them as numbers
"-KHVUwXdVPHmrO_O5kil" : {
"id" : 0,
"name" : "Jeff"
Alternatively, you could store the ids as zero-padded strings:
"names" : {
"-KHVUwXdVPHmrO_O5kil" : {
"id" : "0000",
"name" : "Jeff"
"-KHVV7lCeac0cZNMi9fq" : {
"id" : "0003",
"name" : "Stig"
"-KHVVCjXgl0XxasVOHF1" : {
"id" : "0013",
"name" : "Ali"
"-KHVVJtyUO-yJZiompJO" : {
"id" : "0007",
"name" : "Hannah"
"-KHVVR8tMSO1Oh7R8tR1" : {
"id" : "0002",
"name" : "Amanda"
Since the strings are all the same length, they will be sorted in the correct order. But you'll have to decide on the length of the string/maximum id value in the latter solution, so it seems worse.