In a spring mvc application using hibernate and MySQL, I am getting the following constraint violation exception:
Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc
you know i would start by cleaning up this code.
Though the hibernate documentation might tell you placing those annotations on the field variables is ok,,, its a bad idea as a standard. field level requires hibernate to create a proxy before the field can be access in the case of lazy fetches. so just get use to doing it correctly and you wont have the misfortune of finding issues. move all those annotations to the getters as property level access doesnt require the proxy.
field level variables should be private.
you are casting an Integer to an Integer in there... some of that stuff makes me not want to look at it and truthfully will probably be a silly bit of laziness that ends up being your problem.
while you are at it go ahead an initialize the set with new HashSet(0); Things like that. Still broken update us.
Change this:
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "providertype")
private Set<HL7DocumentEntity> documententities;
To this:
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinTable(name = "Link_Documents", joinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "codePk", unique = true)}, inverseJoinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "change_this_with_primary_key_variable_name_from_HL7DocumentEntity")})
private Set<HL7DocumentEntity> documententities;
And in HL7DocumentEntity change as follows:
@JoinColumns({ @JoinColumn(name = "ptcode", referencedColumnName = "code"),
@JoinColumn(name = "ptcodesystem", referencedColumnName = "codesystem")
private HL7GeneralCode providertype;
Change to this:
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinTable(name = "Link_Documents", joinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "change_this_with_primary_key_variable_name_from_HL7DocumentEntity")}, inverseJoinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "codePk")})
private HL7GeneralCode providertype;
I think you have to change "change_this_with_primary_key_variable_name_from_HL7DocumentEntity" with "id" like it is in BaseEntity but take a look at your sql table, you willsee there the correct name.
I hope you notice How I told JPA to use the same "Link_Documents" table for linking the 2 tables. I think this is were your mistake is. Just make sure to change where I told you with the correct variable name and I think it should work