We have an exclusive category X and others regular categories Y. What I would like:
Updated (2019)
Like everything is turning around your exclusive category category X
, you need to use a conditional for this category.
And you have chance because there is a special function that you can use in combination with woocommerce product categories. Lets say that **cat_x**
is the slug for your exclusive category, as you know it yet product_cat
is the argument to get products categories.
So with has_term ()
conditional function, you are going to use this:
if ( has_term ('cat_x', 'product_cat', $item_id ) ) { // or $product_id
// doing something when product item has 'cat_x'
} else {
// doing something when product item has NOT 'cat_x'
We need to run the cart items 2 times in a foreach loop:
item in that car. cat_x
is detected for one item in the cart and to fire the right messages.In the code below, I have changed to a more useful hook. This hook will check what you have in your cart. The idea is to removed other categories items in the cart when there is a 'cat_x' item added in cart.
The code is well commented. At the end you will find different notices that are fired. You will need to put your real text in each.
add_action( 'woocommerce_check_cart_items', 'checking_cart_items' );
function checking_cart_items() {
// Set your product category slug
$category = 'cat_x';
$number_of_items = sizeof( WC()->cart->get_cart() );
$found = false; // Initializing
$notice = ''; // Initializing
if ( $number_of_items > 0 ) {
// Loop through cart items
foreach ( WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item ) {
$product = $cart_item['data'];
$product_id = $cart_item['product_id'];
// Detecting if the defined category is in cart
if ( has_term( $category, 'product_cat', $product_id ) ) {
$found = true;
break; // Stop the loop
// Re-loop through cart items
foreach ( WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $cart_item ) {
$product = $cart_item['data'];
$product_id = $cart_item['product_id'];
if ( $found ) // If the defined product category is in cart
if ( $number_of_items == 1 ) { // only one defined product category
if ( empty( $notice ) ){
$notice = '1';
if ( $number_of_items >= 2 ) { // The defined product category + other categories in cart
// removing other categories items from cart
if ( ! has_term( $category, 'product_cat', $product_id ) ) {
WC()->cart->remove_cart_item( $cart_item_key ); // removing item from cart
if ( empty( $notice ) || $notice == '1' ){
$notice = '2';
} else { // Only other categories items
if ( empty( $notice ) ){
$notice = '3';
// Firing woocommerce notices
if ( $notice == '1' ) { // message for an 'cat_x' item only (alone)
wc_add_notice( sprintf( '<p class="woocommerce-error">bla bla bla one category X item in the cart</p>' ), 'success' );
} elseif ( $notice == '2' ) { // message for an 'cat_x' item and other ones => removed other ones
wc_add_notice( sprintf( '<p class="woocommerce-error">bla bla bla ther is already category X in the cart => Other category items has been removed</p>' ), 'error' );
} elseif ( $notice == '3' ) { // message for other categories items (if needed)
wc_add_notice( sprintf( '<p class="woocommerce-error">bla bla bla NOT category X in the cart</p>' ), 'success' );
Is not possible for me to really test this code (but it doesn't throws errors)…
We can use something else than notices… everything is possible. But it's a good starting solution, to fine tune.
You will need to replace 'cat_x'
by your real category slug (in the beginning)…
Answer in 2020
Recently, I need almost the same requirement. But instead of a single category, I have to check if the item is in a group of categories.
Consider that I have 6 categories. I will group 6 categories into 3 groups. My customer can only purchase items in a single category group (but multiple categories) in a single order.
The code snippet is given below.
function sa45er_category_group_validation($valid, $product_id, $quantity) {
global $woocommerce;
if($woocommerce->cart->cart_contents_count == 0){
return $valid;
$target_cat_group = array(
array(17,20), // Update your product category
array(19,18), // Update your product category
$this_product_terms = get_the_terms( $product_id, 'product_cat' );
foreach ($this_product_terms as $term) {
$this_product_cat_ids[] = $term->term_id;
foreach ( $woocommerce->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $values ) {
$_product = $values['data'];
$terms = get_the_terms( $_product->get_ID(), 'product_cat' );
foreach ($terms as $term) {
$cart_cat_ids[] = $term->term_id;
$all_cats = array_merge($this_product_cat_ids,$cart_cat_ids);
$result = array();
foreach($target_cat_group as $target_cat_group_item){
$intrsct = array_intersect($all_cats, $target_cat_group_item);
if( !empty( $intrsct ) ){
$result[] = $intrsct;
if(count($result) > 1){
wc_add_notice( 'You can\'t add this product with your current cart items.', 'error' );
return false;
return $valid;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation', 'sa45er_category_group_validation',10,3);