I want to place a svg image inside a button, and then I want to be able to resize the button to any size.
First, this is how I\'ve done the loading and placing of th
SVG images can be re-size themselves and fit its container. You can re-size the button and the SVG image will fit its boundary.
Button button = new Button();
// Re-size the button
EDIT - To resize buttons according to the parent.
If you want to re-size button according to the Parent and also scale the image according to it. You can bind the scale Property of the image to the height and width of the Button. Whenever the size of the Parent changes, change the button's prefSize as well.
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.shape.SVGPath;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class Main extends Application{
private final int MIN_BUTTON_SIZE = 10;
public static void main(String[] args) {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
HBox root = new HBox();
SVGPath svg = new SVGPath();
svg.setContent("M87.5,50.002C87.5,29.293,70.712,12.5,50,12.5c-20.712,0-37.5,16.793-37.5,37.502C12.5,70.712,29.288,87.5,50,87.5" +
"c6.668,0,12.918-1.756,18.342-4.809c0.61-0.22,1.049-0.799,1.049-1.486c0-0.622-0.361-1.153-0.882-1.413l0.003-0.004l-6.529-4.002" +
"L61.98,75.79c-0.274-0.227-0.621-0.369-1.005-0.369c-0.238,0-0.461,0.056-0.663,0.149l-0.014-0.012" +
"C57.115,76.847,53.64,77.561,50,77.561c-15.199,0-27.56-12.362-27.56-27.559c0-15.195,12.362-27.562,27.56-27.562" +
"c14.322,0,26.121,10.984,27.434,24.967C77.428,57.419,73.059,63,69.631,63c-1.847,0-3.254-1.23-3.254-3.957" +
"c0-0.527,0.176-1.672,0.264-2.111l4.163-19.918l-0.018,0c0.012-0.071,0.042-0.136,0.042-0.21c0-0.734-0.596-1.33-1.33-1.33h-7.23" +
"c-0.657,0-1.178,0.485-1.286,1.112l-0.025-0.001l-0.737,3.549c-1.847-3.342-5.629-5.893-10.994-5.893" +
"c-10.202,0-19.877,9.764-19.877,21.549c0,8.531,5.101,14.775,13.632,14.775c4.75,0,9.587-2.727,12.665-7.035l0.088,0.527" +
"c0.615,3.342,9.843,7.576,15.121,7.576c7.651,0,16.617-5.156,16.617-19.932l-0.022-0.009C87.477,51.13,87.5,50.569,87.5,50.002z" +
"M56.615,56.844c-1.935,2.727-5.101,5.805-9.763,5.805c-4.486,0-7.212-3.166-7.212-7.738c0-6.422,5.013-12.754,12.049-12.754" +
Button buttonWithGraphics = new Button();
// Bind the Image scale property to the buttons size
// Declare a minimum size for the button
buttonWithGraphics.setMinSize(MIN_BUTTON_SIZE, MIN_BUTTON_SIZE);
root.layoutBoundsProperty().addListener((observableValue, oldBounds, newBounds) -> {
double size = Math.max(MIN_BUTTON_SIZE, Math.min(newBounds.getWidth(), newBounds.getHeight()));
buttonWithGraphics.setPrefSize(size, size);
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
The central image is the default size, so this works on decreasing as well as increasing the Button size.
N.B. - You can calculate and use different values for height and width of the button.