i am newbie to android, I wanted to implement dynamically JSON data to my android listView, I have only to objects in JSON file this are dealname and discount.
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Look at these two tutorials, In these Json object are displayed in Custom ListView, I think this is what you needed,
Android Putting Custom Objects in ListView
Populate Listview from JSON
For simple example no need of custom list view. you can work with simple list view.
You will need custom list adapter, and possibly custom list entry.
Assuming you have already parsed your JSON and have JSON Array, this adapter will have to: - provide amoubnt of entries in JSON arary - create and populate entry views on demand for certain list entry identified by position. Keep in mind, that list entries are reusable ( and they should be reused to reduce amount of object alloaction)
If there is a lot of data in JSON, better approach would be to use GSON pull parser and some databinding , to create java objects istead of built in JSON parser