class ClassA {
class ClassB {
let compiles: [ClassA.ClassB]
let doesNotCompile = [ClassA.ClassB]()
Playground execution failed: MyPlayg
As you noted, it works with this syntax:
let arrayOfClassB: [ClassA.ClassB] = []
but the []()
syntax works if we declare a typealias
typealias InnerClass = ClassA.ClassB
let arrayOfAliasesOfClassB = [InnerClass]()
So I'd say it's a bug, let arrayOfClassB = [ClassA.ClassB]()
should also work without needing a typealias.
Update: there's already an opened bug about this at Apple.
I don't know the reason why the shorthand syntax does not work. However the compiler seems to like the extended syntax
let list = Array<ClassA.ClassB>()
compiles is an array of type ClassA.ClassB
In doesNotCompile you are trying to use an array as a function. Didn't you mean:
let doesNotCompile = ClassA.ClassB()