I am getting some very weird results using Python and yahoo-finance package. When I run my function on individual stock symbols the function performs OK. But if I put them i
It looks like this functionality has been discontinued: https://forums.yahoo.net/t5/Yahoo-Finance-help/ichart-not-working-in-my-app/td-p/253560
Here's a workaround (grab the data directly from the history pages):
import urllib2
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as bs
def get_historical_data(name, number_of_days):
data = []
url = "https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/" + name + "/history/"
rows = bs(urllib2.urlopen(url).read()).findAll('table')[0].tbody.findAll('tr')
for each_row in rows:
divs = each_row.findAll('td')
if divs[1].span.text != 'Dividend': #Ignore this row in the table
#I'm only interested in 'Open' price; For other values, play with divs[1 - 5]
data.append({'Date': divs[0].span.text, 'Open': float(divs[1].span.text.replace(',',''))})
return data[:number_of_days]
for i in get_historical_data('amzn', 5):
print i
{'Date': u'Jun 02, 2017', 'Open': 999.0}
{'Date': u'Jun 01, 2017', 'Open': 998.59}
{'Date': u'May 31, 2017', 'Open': 1000.0}
{'Date': u'May 30, 2017', 'Open': 996.51}
{'Date': u'May 26, 2017', 'Open': 995.0}