\'asis\' chuncks are very useful to output a list of objects in a Markdown document, see following examples : Highcharter, DT, Leaflet, ...
However, in the above exam
You can output multiple datatables without asis
Just put the list of widgets into tagList()
list("cars" = mtcars, "flowers" = iris) %>%
map(~DT::datatable(.x)) %>%
The answer to my question has been given by @cderv :
The results = 'asis' is now more documented in https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown-cookbook/results-asis.html#results-asis . It is aimed at generating raw mardown content from a R chunk. Anything must result in a text output, and implicitly that means no knitr magic really happens for any R object in those chunk, because knitr does no adjustment when knit_printing the content (as it is juts text)
I think I would not use result = 'asis' to cat() a complex R object like an htmlwidget. You found a workaround but you may encounter other issues.
As this answer has been liked by @yihui, it gives a hint that cat + asis
on htmlwidget
should be used at one's own risk.
However, I'll personnaly continue to use the workarounds mentioned in the question, because as long as it works I find it very practical.
Thanks @atusi & @cderv for their valuable input.
If you really need 'asis'
, then you add extra dependencies manually such as JavaScript and CSS. You can do it with knitr::knit_meta_add()
```{r, results='asis'}
data.frame() %>%
DT::datatable() %>%
knitr::knit_print() %>%
attr('knit_meta') %>%
knitr::knit_meta_add() %>%
df_list <- list("cars" = mtcars, "flowers" = iris)
imap(df_list, ~{
cat('## Subtab ',.y,'\n')