Given this example, how would I return the result of the equation rather than the equation itself as a string?
$operator = \'+\';
foreach($resultSet as $item
Quick answer is eval(). However, in this precise example I would just hard-code the possible operations:
$operator = '+';
foreach($resultSet as $item){
case '+':
$result = $item[$this->orderField] + 1;
echo $result;
You can use eval(), but it's generally a bad idea, since it's a major potential security hole (be careful you're not allowing visitors to run arbitrary code!).
It can also result in hard to maintain code.
To achieve exactly that, you can use create_function
$operator = '+';
$func = create_function('$a,$b', "return \$a $operator \$b;");
foreach($resultSet as $item){
$result = $func($item, 1);
echo $result;
A cleaner solution is possible with lambdas (php5.3 required)
$func = function($a, $b) { return $a + $b; };
foreach($resultSet as $item){
$result = $func($item, 1);
echo $result;
See also array_sum, array_reduce
Advanced example with array_reduce and lambdas
$ary = array(
array('foo' => 1, 'bar' => 91),
array('foo' => 2, 'bar' => 92),
array('foo' => 3, 'bar' => 93),
array('foo' => 4, 'bar' => 94),
array('foo' => 5, 'bar' => 95),
$sumOfFoos = array_reduce($ary,
function($val, $item) { return $val + $item['foo']; }
$sumOfBars = array_reduce($ary,
function($val, $item) { return $val + $item['bar']; }
The main point is, that instead of 'variable operators' (which is not possible in php), you should rather use variable functions (which is possible and much more flexible).
Use the eval function of PHP:
$operator = '+';
foreach($resultSet as $item){
$result = $item[$this->orderField] . $operator . 1;
eval("\$result = \"$result\";");
echo $result;
You could make functions that wrap the operators, or for simplicity just use the bc extension:
$operator = '+';
$operators = array(
'+' => 'bcadd',
'-' => 'bcsub',
'*' => 'bcmul',
'/' => 'bcdiv'
foreach($resultSet as $item){
$result = call_user_func($operators[$operator], $item[$this->orderField], 1);
echo $result;