How can you make mysql understand non-English decimal points in integer/float fields?
setLocale(LC_ALL, \'da_DK.ISO-8859-1\');
One of the reasons you can't do that is that the comma ,
is used for separating field-values in INSERT
INSERT INTO a(b,c) VALUES (3,4,5)
would be ambiguous.
Should it result into b=3.4 , c=5
or b=3 , c=4.5
The easiest way I would think would be to use a wrapper for your mysql object that will set the locale to en_US.utf8 before your query and after the query puts it back to da_DK.ISO-8859-1.
It looks like this does the opposite of what you're looking for.
You might want to try something like REPLACE('3,1415926', ',' , '.' )
Numbers aren't affected by locale settings (same in SQL Server too).
So you'd have to send as "0.25"