I am looking for the clean, elegant and smart solution to remove namespacees from all XML elements? How would function to do that look like?
Defined interface:
Without resorting to an XSLT-based solution, if you want clean, elegant and smart, you'd need some support from the framework, in particular, the visitor pattern could make this a breeze. Unfortunately, it's not available here.
I've implemented it inspired by LINQ's ExpressionVisitor
to have a similar structure to it. With this, you can apply the visitor pattern to (LINQ-to-) XML objects. (I've done limited testing on this but it works well as far as I can tell)
public abstract class XObjectVisitor
public virtual XObject Visit(XObject node)
if (node != null)
return node.Accept(this);
return node;
public ReadOnlyCollection<XObject> Visit(IEnumerable<XObject> nodes)
return nodes.Select(node => Visit(node))
.Where(node => node != null)
public T VisitAndConvert<T>(T node) where T : XObject
if (node != null)
return Visit(node) as T;
return node;
public ReadOnlyCollection<T> VisitAndConvert<T>(IEnumerable<T> nodes) where T : XObject
return nodes.Select(node => VisitAndConvert(node))
.Where(node => node != null)
protected virtual XObject VisitAttribute(XAttribute node)
return node.Update(node.Name, node.Value);
protected virtual XObject VisitComment(XComment node)
return node.Update(node.Value);
protected virtual XObject VisitDocument(XDocument node)
return node.Update(
protected virtual XObject VisitElement(XElement node)
return node.Update(
protected virtual XObject VisitDocumentType(XDocumentType node)
return node.Update(
protected virtual XObject VisitProcessingInstruction(XProcessingInstruction node)
return node.Update(
protected virtual XObject VisitText(XText node)
return node.Update(node.Value);
protected virtual XObject VisitCData(XCData node)
return node.Update(node.Value);
#region Implementation details
internal InternalAccessor Accessor
get { return new InternalAccessor(this); }
internal class InternalAccessor
private XObjectVisitor visitor;
internal InternalAccessor(XObjectVisitor visitor) { this.visitor = visitor; }
internal XObject VisitAttribute(XAttribute node) { return visitor.VisitAttribute(node); }
internal XObject VisitComment(XComment node) { return visitor.VisitComment(node); }
internal XObject VisitDocument(XDocument node) { return visitor.VisitDocument(node); }
internal XObject VisitElement(XElement node) { return visitor.VisitElement(node); }
internal XObject VisitDocumentType(XDocumentType node) { return visitor.VisitDocumentType(node); }
internal XObject VisitProcessingInstruction(XProcessingInstruction node) { return visitor.VisitProcessingInstruction(node); }
internal XObject VisitText(XText node) { return visitor.VisitText(node); }
internal XObject VisitCData(XCData node) { return visitor.VisitCData(node); }
public static class XObjectVisitorExtensions
#region XObject.Accept "instance" method
public static XObject Accept(this XObject node, XObjectVisitor visitor)
Validation.CheckArgumentNull(visitor, "visitor");
// yay, easy dynamic dispatch
Acceptor acceptor = new Acceptor(node as dynamic);
return acceptor.Accept(visitor);
private class Acceptor
public Acceptor(XAttribute node) : this(v => v.Accessor.VisitAttribute(node)) { }
public Acceptor(XComment node) : this(v => v.Accessor.VisitComment(node)) { }
public Acceptor(XDocument node) : this(v => v.Accessor.VisitDocument(node)) { }
public Acceptor(XElement node) : this(v => v.Accessor.VisitElement(node)) { }
public Acceptor(XDocumentType node) : this(v => v.Accessor.VisitDocumentType(node)) { }
public Acceptor(XProcessingInstruction node) : this(v => v.Accessor.VisitProcessingInstruction(node)) { }
public Acceptor(XText node) : this(v => v.Accessor.VisitText(node)) { }
public Acceptor(XCData node) : this(v => v.Accessor.VisitCData(node)) { }
private Func<XObjectVisitor, XObject> accept;
private Acceptor(Func<XObjectVisitor, XObject> accept) { this.accept = accept; }
public XObject Accept(XObjectVisitor visitor) { return accept(visitor); }
#region XObject.Update "instance" method
public static XObject Update(this XAttribute node, XName name, string value)
Validation.CheckArgumentNull(name, "name");
Validation.CheckArgumentNull(value, "value");
return new XAttribute(name, value);
public static XObject Update(this XComment node, string value = null)
return new XComment(value);
public static XObject Update(this XDocument node, XDeclaration declaration = null, params object[] content)
return new XDocument(declaration, content);
public static XObject Update(this XElement node, XName name, params object[] content)
Validation.CheckArgumentNull(name, "name");
return new XElement(name, content);
public static XObject Update(this XDocumentType node, string name, string publicId = null, string systemId = null, string internalSubset = null)
Validation.CheckArgumentNull(name, "name");
return new XDocumentType(name, publicId, systemId, internalSubset);
public static XObject Update(this XProcessingInstruction node, string target, string data)
Validation.CheckArgumentNull(target, "target");
Validation.CheckArgumentNull(data, "data");
return new XProcessingInstruction(target, data);
public static XObject Update(this XText node, string value = null)
return new XText(value);
public static XObject Update(this XCData node, string value = null)
return new XCData(value);
public static class Validation
public static void CheckNullReference<T>(T obj) where T : class
if (obj == null)
throw new NullReferenceException();
public static void CheckArgumentNull<T>(T obj, string paramName) where T : class
if (obj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(paramName);
p.s., this particular implementation uses some .NET 4 features to make implementation a bit easier/cleaner (usage of dynamic
and default arguments). It shouldn't be too dificult to make it .NET 3.5 compatible, perhaps even .NET 2.0 compatible.
Then to implement the visitor, here's a generalized one that can change multiple namespaces (and the prefix used).
public class ChangeNamespaceVisitor : XObjectVisitor
private INamespaceMappingManager manager;
public ChangeNamespaceVisitor(INamespaceMappingManager manager)
Validation.CheckArgumentNull(manager, "manager");
this.manager = manager;
protected INamespaceMappingManager Manager { get { return manager; } }
private XName ChangeNamespace(XName name)
var mapping = Manager.GetMapping(name.Namespace);
return mapping.ChangeNamespace(name);
private XObject ChangeNamespaceDeclaration(XAttribute node)
var mapping = Manager.GetMapping(node.Value);
return mapping.ChangeNamespaceDeclaration(node);
protected override XObject VisitAttribute(XAttribute node)
if (node.IsNamespaceDeclaration)
return ChangeNamespaceDeclaration(node);
return node.Update(ChangeNamespace(node.Name), node.Value);
protected override XObject VisitElement(XElement node)
return node.Update(
// and all the gory implementation details
public class NamespaceMappingManager : INamespaceMappingManager
private Dictionary<XNamespace, INamespaceMapping> namespaces = new Dictionary<XNamespace, INamespaceMapping>();
public NamespaceMappingManager Add(XNamespace fromNs, XNamespace toNs, string toPrefix = null)
var item = new NamespaceMapping(fromNs, toNs, toPrefix);
namespaces.Add(item.FromNs, item);
return this;
public INamespaceMapping GetMapping(XNamespace fromNs)
INamespaceMapping mapping;
if (!namespaces.TryGetValue(fromNs, out mapping))
mapping = new NullMapping();
return mapping;
private class NullMapping : INamespaceMapping
public XName ChangeNamespace(XName name)
return name;
public XObject ChangeNamespaceDeclaration(XAttribute node)
return node.Update(node.Name, node.Value);
private class NamespaceMapping : INamespaceMapping
private XNamespace fromNs;
private XNamespace toNs;
private string toPrefix;
public NamespaceMapping(XNamespace fromNs, XNamespace toNs, string toPrefix = null)
this.fromNs = fromNs ?? "";
this.toNs = toNs ?? "";
this.toPrefix = toPrefix;
public XNamespace FromNs { get { return fromNs; } }
public XNamespace ToNs { get { return toNs; } }
public string ToPrefix { get { return toPrefix; } }
public XName ChangeNamespace(XName name)
return name.Namespace == fromNs
? toNs + name.LocalName
: name;
public XObject ChangeNamespaceDeclaration(XAttribute node)
if (node.Value == fromNs.NamespaceName)
if (toNs == XNamespace.None)
return null;
var xmlns = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(toPrefix)
? (XNamespace.Xmlns + toPrefix)
: node.Name;
return node.Update(xmlns, toNs.NamespaceName);
return node.Update(node.Name, node.Value);
public interface INamespaceMappingManager
INamespaceMapping GetMapping(XNamespace fromNs);
public interface INamespaceMapping
XName ChangeNamespace(XName name);
XObject ChangeNamespaceDeclaration(XAttribute node);
And a little helper method to get the ball rolling:
T ChangeNamespace<T>(T node, XNamespace fromNs, XNamespace toNs, string toPrefix = null) where T : XObject
return node.Accept(
new ChangeNamespaceVisitor(
new NamespaceMappingManager()
.Add(fromNs, toNs, toPrefix)
) as T;
Then to remove a namespace, you could call it like so:
var doc = ChangeNamespace(XDocument.Load(pathToXml),
fromNs: "http://schema.peters.com/doc_353/1/Types",
toNs: null);
Using this visitor, you can write a INamespaceMappingManager
to remove all namespaces.
T RemoveAllNamespaces<T>(T node) where T : XObject
return node.Accept(
new ChangeNamespaceVisitor(new RemoveNamespaceMappingManager())
) as T;
public class RemoveNamespaceMappingManager : INamespaceMappingManager
public INamespaceMapping GetMapping(XNamespace fromNs)
return new RemoveNamespaceMapping();
private class RemoveNamespaceMapping : INamespaceMapping
public XName ChangeNamespace(XName name)
return name.LocalName;
public XObject ChangeNamespaceDeclaration(XAttribute node)
return null;
Here is a regex based solution to this problem...
private XmlDocument RemoveNS(XmlDocument doc)
var xml = doc.OuterXml;
var newxml = Regex.Replace(xml, @"xmlns[:xsi|:xsd]*="".*?""","");
var newdoc = new XmlDocument();
return newdoc;
Slightly modified Peter's answer, this would works fine for the attribute as well, including remove the namespace and prefix. A bit sorry for the code looks a bit ugly.
private static XElement RemoveAllNamespaces(XElement xmlDocument)
if (!xmlDocument.HasElements)
XElement xElement = new XElement(xmlDocument.Name.LocalName);
xElement.Value = xmlDocument.Value;
foreach (XAttribute attribute in xmlDocument.Attributes())
xElement.Add(new XAttribute(attribute.Name.LocalName, attribute.Value));
return xElement;
XElement xElement = new XElement(xmlDocument.Name.LocalName, xmlDocument.Elements().Select(el => RemoveAllNamespaces(el)));
foreach (XAttribute attribute in xmlDocument.Attributes())
xElement.Add(new XAttribute(attribute.Name.LocalName, attribute.Value));
return xElement;
Without recreating whole node hierarchy:
private static void RemoveDefNamespace(XElement element)
var defNamespase = element.Attribute("xmlns");
if (defNamespase != null)
element.Name = element.Name.LocalName;
foreach (var child in element.Elements())
The obligatory answer using XSLT:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="no" encoding="UTF-8"/>
<xsl:template match="/|comment()|processing-instruction()">
<xsl:template match="*">
<xsl:element name="{local-name()}">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
<xsl:template match="@*">
<xsl:attribute name="{local-name()}">
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
That will do the trick :-)
foreach (XElement XE in Xml.DescendantsAndSelf())
// Stripping the namespace by setting the name of the element to it's localname only
XE.Name = XE.Name.LocalName;
// replacing all attributes with attributes that are not namespaces and their names are set to only the localname
XE.ReplaceAttributes((from xattrib in XE.Attributes().Where(xa => !xa.IsNamespaceDeclaration) select new XAttribute(xattrib.Name.LocalName, xattrib.Value)));