I am getting this error in Eclipse while writing a GWT app
The interface Observer cannot be implemented more than once with different arguments:
Not sure this can help, but I came across the same Java compile error today.
I partially solved my case by extracting all the shared implementation I could get to a parametrized abstract class:
public enum Example {
static interface Observer<T> { public void update (T o); }
static abstract AbstractObserver<T> implements Observer<T> {
public void update (T o) { /* shared stuff I can put here */ }
static Composite extends AbstractObserver<Parameter1> {
public void update (T o) {
/* type-specific code here */
static CompositeWordLists extends AbstractObserver<Parameter2> {
public void update (T o) {
/* type-specific code here */
Because of type erasure you can't implement the same interface twice (with different type parameters). So, the eclipse error that you are receiving is correct.
You could add a base class for all possible "T", which may be limiting and not useful depending on the scope of these classes. And, you have requested a solution that prevents you from creating a multitude of Observer classes (i am assuming interfaces) for every possible event, well I can't see how else you would do that without compromising compile time safety.
I would suggest the following
interface Observer<T>{
public void update (T o);
interface DialogBoxAuthenticateObserver extends Observer<DialogBoxAuthenticate>{
The code clutter isn't horrible and if you place them all in one file, they will be easy to reference and maintain. Hope I have helped
EDIT: After some digging around on google (which pointed me back to stackoverflow!, your question was asked in a different fashion and answered similarly here
Composite must already implement Observer. Is that what really intended? You want this CompositeWordLists class to observe two ways at once?