What\'s wrong in here, I always get some nasty errors even if the same code that I used earlier works. But when I apply it to other form it gives me the error above. here\'s
The usual reason for this error is a missing or misspelled value. It seems likely that adminName is Null or a zero-length string.
A good trick for dealing with a no value given for one or more required parameters
error when developing for an Access back end is to grab the content of the CommandText
and paste it into a dummy query in Access itself. Then Access will offer you a popup identifying which field is causing the problem (usually a typo, as in your case).
When pasting the command text into access itself and Access pops up telling you which field is the problem, if there does not appear to be a type, try enclosing the field name in square brackets. [ ] It is possible that one of your columns may contain a keyword. This happened to me, which the column LL_ID - I had to change it to [LL_ID].
SELECT pt.person_name,pt.obile_no,pt.address_info FROM person_table pt LEFT JOIN company_table ct ON pt.com_id=ct.com_id WHERE pt.com_id=14
I used it for access database then this type of erro "no value given for one or more required parameters" happened.
I actually did typo error like pt.obile, but it will be pt.mobile. When i corrected this was working well.