According to you can update an existing instance by values defined in a JSON-string. My problem is that the data
Use JToken.CreateReader() and pass the reader to JsonSerializer.Populate. The reader returned is a JTokenReader which iterates through the pre-existing JToken
hierarchy instead of serializing to a string and parsing.
Since you tagged your question c#
, here's a c#
extension method that does the job:
public static class JsonExtensions
public static void Populate<T>(this JToken value, T target) where T : class
using (var sr = value.CreateReader())
JsonSerializer.CreateDefault().Populate(sr, target); // Uses the system default JsonSerializerSettings
And the equivalent in VB.NET:
Public Module JsonExtensions
Public Sub Populate(Of T As Class)(value As JToken, target As T)
Using sr = value.CreateReader()
' Uses the system default JsonSerializerSettings
JsonSerializer.CreateDefault().Populate(sr, target)
End Using
End Sub
End Module