After update to Android studio 3.6 Canary11 (macOS) I cannot run nor run Debug variants of my project (Release variants working fine).
When I try to run the project
try build.gradle
android {
packagingOptions {
pickFirst ''
I faced somehow similar issue on Android Studio 3.6.3v
Entry name 'kotlin/collections/MapWithDefault.kotlin_metadata' collided
I resolved the issue by:
folder under /app
If still doesn't work, do the following:
File > Invalidate Caches/Restart
If anyone is still facing this issue, try this -
File > Invalidate Caches/Restart
Rebuild Project
I had a similar issue with Android Studio 3.6 Canary 12 on Mac, I could build different build variants but had this error when I tried to Generate a signed apk:
Entry name 'kotlin/collections/MapWithDefault.kotlin_metadata' collided
I had to delete the .build folder as well as the folders where I build my build variant.
I just had a similar issue - my generating a debug build variant kept failing with an error about "Entry name res/layout/test_toolbar.xml collided". There is no "test_toolbar_xml" anywhere in my project. I first deleted all build directories and tried - same result. then I went in and deleted caches under .gradle\5.6.4, and under .idea folders. Tried again and this time I was able to build.
Building a "release" variant worked every time.