You could use append
and use ignore_index
if you don't want to use the index values as is.
In [14]: df1.append(df2)
Col1 Col2
0 asd 1232
1 cac 2324
0 afaf 1213
1 asas 4353
In [15]: df1.append(df2, ignore_index=True)
Col1 Col2
0 asd 1232
1 cac 2324
2 afaf 1213
3 asas 4353
or use pd.concat
In [16]: pd.concat([df1, df2])
Col1 Col2
0 asd 1232
1 cac 2324
0 afaf 1213
1 asas 4353
In [17]: pd.concat([df1, df2], ignore_index=True)
Col1 Col2
0 asd 1232
1 cac 2324
2 afaf 1213
3 asas 4353