I have a response from a 3-rd party web service. I load an XmlDocument with that response.
string txt = readStream.ReadToEnd();
response = new XmlDocumen
From .NET framework 4/4.5 the classes to work with x509 certificates and other security features are located in System.IdentityModel.dll. Search the respective classes in the namespace mentioned.
public static Boolean VerifyDetachedSignature(string XmlSigFileName)
// Create a new XML document.
XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
// Load the passed XML file into the document.
// Find the "Signature" node and create a new XmlNodeList object.
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName("Signature");
// Create a new SignedXMl object.
SignedXml signedXml = new SignedXml();
// Load the signature node.
// Check the signature and return the result.
return signedXml.CheckSignature();
In order to check the signature on NET 4.0+ you have to change the context of your CanonicalizationMethod, therefore you have to initialize your signedXml object in the following way:
XmlNodeList signatureNodeList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Signature");
SignedXml signedXml = new SignedXml((XmlElement)signatureNodeList[0]);
//Then you proceed your check as usual
This is a known issue. The Canonicalization implementation between .NET 3.5 and .NET 4.0 has changed.
I don't know if this works on all XML signatures but the following works from the testing that I've done.
Add the following C14N Transform class to your project:
public class MyXmlDsigC14NTransform: XmlDsigC14NTransform {
static XmlDocument _document;
public static XmlDocument document {
set {
_document = value;
public MyXmlDsigC14NTransform() {}
public override Object GetOutput() {
return base.GetOutput();
public override void LoadInnerXml(XmlNodeList nodeList) {
protected override XmlNodeList GetInnerXml() {
XmlNodeList nodeList = base.GetInnerXml();
return nodeList;
public XmlElement GetXml() {
return base.GetXml();
public override void LoadInput(Object obj) {
int n;
bool fDefaultNS = true;
XmlElement element = ((XmlDocument) obj).DocumentElement;
if (element.Name.Contains("SignedInfo")) {
XmlNodeList DigestValue = element.GetElementsByTagName("DigestValue", element.NamespaceURI);
string strHash = DigestValue[0].InnerText;
XmlNodeList nodeList = _document.GetElementsByTagName(element.Name);
for (n = 0; n < nodeList.Count; n++) {
XmlNodeList DigestValue2 = ((XmlElement) nodeList[n]).GetElementsByTagName("DigestValue", ((XmlElement) nodeList[n]).NamespaceURI);
string strHash2 = DigestValue2[0].InnerText;
if (strHash == strHash2) break;
XmlNode node = nodeList[n];
while (node.ParentNode != null) {
XmlAttributeCollection attrColl = node.ParentNode.Attributes;
if (attrColl != null) {
for (n = 0; n < attrColl.Count; n++) {
XmlAttribute attr = attrColl[n];
if (attr.Prefix == "xmlns") {
element.SetAttribute(attr.Name, attr.Value);
} else if (attr.Name == "xmlns") {
if (fDefaultNS) {
element.SetAttribute(attr.Name, attr.Value);
fDefaultNS = false;
node = node.ParentNode;
Register the class using the CryptoConfig.AddAlgorithm method.
CryptoConfig.AddAlgorithm(typeof(MyXmlDsigC14NTransform), "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315");
var message = new XmlDocument();
message.PreserveWhitespace = true;
MyXmlDsigC14NTransform.document = message; // The transform class needs the xml document
// Validate signature as normal.
That should do it.
Try explicitly setting the Canonicalization method for the SignedInfo property of the SignedXml class.. It appears there has been a change in default behaviour here between .Net 2.0 and .Net 4.0
signed.SignedInfo.CanonicalizationMethod = Signed.XmlDsigExcC14NTransformUrl;
This answer
// Assume the data to sign is in the data.xml file, load it, and
// set up the signature object.
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
SignedXml sig = new SignedXml(doc);
// Make a random RSA key, and set it on the signature for signing.
RSA key = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
sig.SigningKey = key;
// Create a Reference to the containing document, add the enveloped
// transform, and then add the Reference to the signature
Reference refr = new Reference("");refr.AddTransform(new XmlDsigEnvelopedSignatureTransform());
// Compute the signature, add it to the XML document, and save
// Load the signed data
//XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
// Find the Signature element in the document
XmlNamespaceManager nsm = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
nsm.AddNamespace("dsig", SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl);
XmlElement sigElt = (XmlElement)doc.SelectSingleNode("//dsig:Signature", nsm);
// Load the signature for verification
//SignedXml sig = new SignedXml(doc);
// Verify the signature, assume the public key part of the
// signing key is in the key variable
if (sig.CheckSignature(key))
Console.WriteLine("Signature verified");
Console.WriteLine("Signature not valid");