Is there a way to disable the minification in AngularCli?
After I launch the command ng build --prod
I need to have all files.js, in dist folder, separa
Just do:
ng build --prod --optimization=false
That seems to do it. For more information see:
This is valid for angular 6.*
Note: If you use ng serve through some package.json run target, according to the manpage of Angular6 correspoding switch for this is:
ng serve --optimization=false
will speedup this bs in development noticeable
ng build --build-optimizer=false
In order to get the plain and separate and un-minified js files you just need to compile them with typescript (tsc
) to your dist
There is no need to use the cli build. By design Angular CLI bundles all javascript files when building.
From the cli build documentation:
All builds make use of bundling and limited tree-shaking, while --prod builds also run limited dead code elimination via UglifyJS.