i just read in stackoverflow i can only concatenate animation with delay, so i tried this here which simply shrinks and then scales the circle again. unfortunately the shrin
Here is possible approach (based on AnimatableModifier
). Actually it demonstrates how current animation end can be detected, and performed something - in this case, for your scaling scenario, just initiate reversing.
Tested with Xcode 11.4 / iOS 13.4
Simplified & modified your example
struct TestReversingScaleAnimation: View {
@State var scaleImage : CGFloat = 1
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button("Start animation") {
self.scaleImage = 0.01 // initiate animation
Image(systemName: "circle.fill")
.modifier(ReversingScale(to: scaleImage) {
self.scaleImage = 1 // reverse set
.animation(.default) // now can be implicit
Actually, show-maker here... important comments inline.
struct ReversingScale: AnimatableModifier {
var value: CGFloat
private var target: CGFloat
private var onEnded: () -> ()
init(to value: CGFloat, onEnded: @escaping () -> () = {}) {
self.target = value
self.value = value
self.onEnded = onEnded // << callback
var animatableData: CGFloat {
get { value }
set { value = newValue
// newValue here is interpolating by engine, so changing
// from previous to initially set, so when they got equal
// animation ended
if newValue == target {
func body(content: Content) -> some View {