How can I get the first n characters of a string in PHP? What\'s the fastest way to trim a string to a specific number of characters, and append \'...\' if needed?
If you want to cut being careful to don't split words you can do the following
function ellipse($str,$n_chars,$crop_str=' [...]')
if(strlen($buff) > $n_chars)
$cut_index=strpos($buff,' ',$n_chars);
$buff=substr($buff,0,($cut_index===false? $n_chars: $cut_index+1)).$crop_str;
return $buff;
if $str is shorter than $n_chars returns it untouched.
If $str is equal to $n_chars returns it as is as well.
if $str is longer than $n_chars then it looks for the next space to cut or (if no more spaces till the end) $str gets cut rudely instead at $n_chars.
NOTE: be aware that this method will remove all tags in case of HTML.
The codeigniter framework contains a helper for this, called the "text helper". Here's some documentation from codeigniter's user guide that applies: (just read the word_limiter and character_limiter sections). Here's two functions from it relevant to your question:
if ( ! function_exists('word_limiter'))
function word_limiter($str, $limit = 100, $end_char = '…')
if (trim($str) == '')
return $str;
preg_match('/^\s*+(?:\S++\s*+){1,'.(int) $limit.'}/', $str, $matches);
if (strlen($str) == strlen($matches[0]))
$end_char = '';
return rtrim($matches[0]).$end_char;
if ( ! function_exists('character_limiter'))
function character_limiter($str, $n = 500, $end_char = '…')
if (strlen($str) < $n)
return $str;
$str = preg_replace("/\s+/", ' ', str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), ' ', $str));
if (strlen($str) <= $n)
return $str;
$out = "";
foreach (explode(' ', trim($str)) as $val)
$out .= $val.' ';
if (strlen($out) >= $n)
$out = trim($out);
return (strlen($out) == strlen($str)) ? $out : $out.$end_char;
Use substring
$foo = substr("abcde",0, 3) . "...";
I'm not sure if this is the fastest solution, but it looks like it is the shortest one:
$result = current(explode("\n", wordwrap($str, $width, "...\n")));
P.S. See some examples here
I developed a function for this use
function str_short($string,$limit)
return $crop_len=$crop_temp."...";
return $string;
you just call the function with string and limite
it will cut of your string and add "..." at the end
substr() would be best, you'll also want to check the length of the string first
$str = 'someLongString';
$max = 7;
if(strlen($str) > $max) {
$str = substr($str, 0, $max) . '...';
wordwrap won't trim the string down, just split it up...