If your ID column on a table is a unique identifier (Guid), is there any point creating a clustered primary key on the ID column?
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Putting a clustered index on a guid column is not such a good idea (unless you're making use of sequential guids).
The clustered index determines the physical order of how the records are stored.
This means that, if you put a clustered index on a column that does not sequentially grow, SQL Server will have some work making sure that the records are correctly ordered physically when you insert new records.
The idea of having a sorted index is very good in itself as searching then becomes very efficient.
The problem however is that in case of a GUID one never searches with "WHERE GUID = xyz". So the whole concept is wasted. So I would suggest to rather have a clustered index on a column which is used most often as a SARG to increase the query efficiency.
I strongly advise against using clustered Guid key... We had big performance issues on SQL server because of such poor design a few years ago.
Also check out: Improving performance of cluster index GUID primary key
GUIDs as they are are terrible for performance since they are effectively random values (this "breaks" clustered index), and they are awful for indexes, since less entries fit on a single page/extent (SQL Server terms). SQL Server 2005 introduces newsequentialid() which helps solving first problem.