I am trying to loop through every value in a deeply nested/mixed list and convert any Decimal instances to string so that I can store them in mongo.
My attempt at re
To convert Decimal
during json.dump()
using default
import json
import sys
from decimal import Decimal
def default(obj):
if isinstance(obj, Decimal):
return str(obj)
raise TypeError(obj)
# convert during dump
json.dump(data, sys.stdout, indent=2, default=default)
To modify data
import json
import sys
from collections import MutableMapping, MutableSequence
from decimal import Decimal
def convert_decimal(json_data):
stack = [json_data]
while stack:
json_data = stack.pop()
if isinstance(json_data, MutableMapping): # json object
it = json_data.items()
elif isinstance(json_data, MutableSequence): # json array
it = enumerate(json_data)
else: # scalar data
for k, v in it:
if isinstance(v, Decimal):
json_data[k] = str(v)
# convert inplace
json.dump(data, sys.stdout, indent=2)
Both scripts produce the same output:
"Payments": {
"OtherFees": "0",
"APR": "2.54",
"Rate": "0.0254",
"IsCapped": true,
"Name": "TestData",
"Program": {
"Description": null,
"ProgramName": "AST"
"AppliedIds": [],
"CapCostTotal": "27900",
"Tax": "0",
"Payment": "495.64"
You could simplify convert_decimal()
if you use a generic get_items() function:
def convert_decimal(json_data):
stack = [json_data]
while stack:
json_data = stack.pop()
for k, v in get_items(json_data):
if isinstance(v, Decimal):
json_data[k] = str(v)
You want to convert decimals to strings, but recursively apply your function to the contents of lists and the values of dictionaries, otherwise return objects unchanged? Then do that:
def strip_decimals(o):
if type(o) == Decimal:
return str(o)
elif type(o) == list:
return map(strip_decimals, o)
elif type(o) == dict:
return dict([(k, strip_decimals(v)) for k, v in o.iteritems()])
return o
Results in:
[{'Payments': {'APR': '2.54',
'AppliedIds': [],
'CapCostTotal': '27900',
'IsCapped': True,
'Name': 'TestData',
'OtherFees': '0',
'Payment': '495.64',
'Program': {'Description': None, 'ProgramName': u'AST'},
'Rate': '0.0254',
'Tax': '0'}}]