I\'m learning Google Guice. Do you know how to implement the \"robot legs\" problem? Let me explain this with an example.
Let\'s say that I have some class called
As documented in the Guice Wiki, you need to install two PrivateModules, each of which exposes a Service with the right annotation for you.
public class MyModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
install(new PrivateModule() {
@Override public void configure() {
// Bind Source to SourceDatabase.
// Bind @Named("database") Service to Service.
// Now expose @Named("database") Service without exposing
// either of the other two conflicting bindings.
install(new PrivateModule() {
@Override public void configure() {
// Same as above.
If the modules were not PrivateModule instances, those bindings to Source and Service would conflict with one another. However, instead, each binding inherits all the public bindings from the Injector but only exposes the @Named(...) Service
to the outside world. This way the same Service
implementation can inject the same non-annotated Source
but have it return different fully-injected types.
Also note that you will not be able to ask for a Source
or Service
(without an annotation) outside of the PrivateModules, because you haven't established a binding in any non-private Module. This should be expected: The PrivateModule bindings shouldn't conflict with any public bindings, and without entering through one of the PrivateModule's exposed bindings, Guice won't know which Source
or Service
to return.
Finally, given that Module instances can take constructor parameters, it may be a good idea to extract the two anonymous inner PrivateModules into a named equivalent:
public class MyModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
install(new SourcePrivateModule(SourceDatabase.class, "database"));
install(new SourcePrivateModule(SourceFileSystem.class, "file-system"));